The MASE certification and ISO 45001 standard are recognized frameworks for ensuring compliance and effective field PPE management. Best practices include risk assessment, appropriate PPE selection, worker training and awareness, maintenance, regular inspection, timely replacement of PPE before expiration, and ongoing monitoring and evaluation of the PPE management process. Employers must ensure worker safety through compliant PPE use at every instance.

Therefore, adhering to the ISO 45001 standard and MASE certification is necessary.
Workplace safety is a major concern for all companies, regardless of their size or industry. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is a key component of workplace safety, and its use is mandatory. To ensure effective and safe use of PPE, many companies have implemented a PPE management process that meets the requirements of MASE certification and ISO 45001 standard. In this article, we will explore best practices in PPE management according to these standards.

Les certifications MASE et ISO 45 001

MASE (Manual for the Improvement of Company Safety) is a certification aiming to promote and improve health and safety at work within French companies. Although this certification is not specifically focused on PPE, it impacts the compliance tracking requirements for equipment and materials under control.

MASE certification encourages companies to :

  • Ensure compliance tracking in accordance with manufacturers’ requirements and regulatory controls.
  • Record tracking operations, maintenance, inspection, decommissioning of equipment in the safety register.
  • Manage all user requests to maintain the PPE protection level.

ISO 45001 is an international standard for occupational health and safety management systems (OHSMS). It helps organizations globally to improve their health and safety performance, prevent accidents and occupational diseases, and create safe and healthy working conditions for their employees.

ISO 45001 is based on the concept of risk management. It encourages organizations to identify and evaluate health and safety risks at work, implement preventive measures to mitigate them, and establish objectives and processes to continuously improve their performance in this area.

What are the parallels with PPE ?

  • Management’s commitment by providing necessary resources.
  • Employee participation in all stages of the OHS management process, including training and pre-use inspection of PPE.
  • Legal compliance in occupational health and safety, particularly the regulatory control of category 3 PPE and adherence to manufacturers’ use, maintenance, decommissioning recommendations.
  • Continuous improvement by regularly assessing performance in managing PPE compliance and tracking user requests.

Best PPE Management Practices to Ensure Worker Safety

Risk Assessment at Work

The first step to making the right PPE choice involves assessing the risks associated with the tasks workers perform. Employers must identify health and safety risks, including injury, disease, irritation, burns, and chemical exposure risks. Based on this assessment, necessary PPE must be selected and provided to workers.

Did you know ?
There are multi-risk PPEs that cover several risks simultaneously. It’s advisable to avoid having carriers wear different PPEs, as their management becomes complex, and there’s a risk they will not be worn at the right moment.

Selecting Appropriate PPE for Carriers

t’s crucial to select appropriate PPE for carriers based on identified risks. PPE should be comfortable, high-quality, easy to maintain, and task-specific. Employers should consider protection standards, worker preferences, and allow them to test PPE before use. The quality/price ratio is analyzed by comparing the PPE’s lifespan to its use context within the company.

Did you know?
The choice of PPE should also take into account the manufacturer’s use recommendations outlined in the CE notice. It specifies rules to maintain compliance and protection performance according to European reference standards.

Training and Raising Awareness Among Workers

Everyone must be trained in the proper use of their PPE, including how to don and doff, adjust correctly, maintain, and inspect them before use. Workers should also be informed about the risks associated with their work and how PPE can protect them. Carriers should be encouraged to report PPE problems and seek help if needed.

Did you know?
Employers must prove the provision of PPE to staff and adequate training in their use within the company, including when it involves lending PPE to subcontractors or temporary workers.

Maintenance and Replacement of PPE

PPE must be regularly inspected and maintained to ensure their level of protection. Employers must follow manufacturers’ recommendations for the maintenance and replacement of PPE. For some category 3 PPE, employers must ensure regulatory control of PPE either by a qualified person internally or through an expert organization. Workers should be encouraged to report any damage or defects in PPE.

Did you know?
PPE inspection reports for category 3 should be kept to prove their compliance in case of an audit or investigation following an accident.

PPE Management Program

Employers must continuously monitor PPE use and evaluate the effectiveness of their PPE management process. Employers should be ready to make improvements to their organization based on evaluation results.

Did you know?
It’s important to provide PPE in sufficient quantity, but it’s also crucial to ensure the supply meets the individual needs of each carrier, regardless of their profile; young employee, temporary worker…

In conclusion, effective PPE management is essential to obtain MASE and ISO 45001 certifications. Employers must practice effective management of their PPE and equipment under control. This includes risk assessment, appropriate PPE selection, worker training and awareness, maintenance, control, regular replacement of PPE before expiration, and ongoing monitoring and evaluation of the PPE management process.

Tips for Ensuring Compliance with PPE Safety Standards and Certifications Personal

Protective Equipment (PPE) are essential safety devices to protect workers from occupational hazards. To ensure worker safety, it’s crucial to ensure that PPE complies with safety standards according to the rules defined by manufacturers.

Here are some tips for ensuring compliance with safety standards throughout the PPE lifecycle:

Choose PPE Compliant with Safety Standards

PPE must comply with the safety standards in force in the country of use. Standards can vary depending on PPE types and industries. It’s important to verify that purchased PPE is certified compliant with current standards and bears the CE marking.

Did you know?
Maintaining a PPE’s performance is linked to adhering to manufacturers’ recommendations and its use within the company’s activities. The choice of PPE should consider its use environment.

Inspect Your PPE

PPE must be kept in good hygienic and usable condition. It’s important to check the condition of your PPE before each use. The wearer must perform this check to detect anomalies, such as a frayed harness strap, a hole in protective clothing, or an expired protection helmet.

Ensure Regular Maintenance of PPE

PPE must be regularly maintained to ensure their level of protection. It’s important to follow the manufacturer’s maintenance instructions for PPE and keep proof of maintenance operations.

Did you know?
When PPE is not maintained, it can become dangerous instead of protecting the wearer from occupational hazards.

Replace Defective PPE

PPE must be replaced before their expiration date or as soon as they show signs of wear, deterioration, or failure. It’s important to inspect the condition of PPE before use and replace them if necessary.

Did you know?
Manufacturers’ usage notices specify PPE replacement conditions. Employers must integrate these conditions to perform necessary renewals and avoid using non-compliant PPE.

Train Workers in the Use of PPE

Workers must be trained in the correct use of PPE and the occupational risks associated with their work. Training should be regular and adapted to the different types of PPE used in the workplace.

Did you know?
Employers must be able to prove the completion of these trainings. For example, wearing a harness requires fall protection training. A wearer’s lack of training engages the employer’s criminal liability.

In conclusion, compliance with safety standards throughout the PPE lifecycle is essential to ensure worker safety. Safety standards applicable can vary depending on PPE types and industries. It’s important to choose PPE compliant with standards, verify their quality, ensure regular maintenance, replace defective PPE, and train workers in their use. MASE certification and ISO 45001 standard encourage companies to implement PPE management systems to ensure compliance with safety standards and legislation.

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