Keep Control a versatile team

Founded in 2019 by Rémy PRUD’HOMME, the project grew out of field experience in PPE sales and maintenance with major accounts. After 18 months of research and equipment identification tests, SMART DIGITAL SERVICES was created to market a software application connected to a tag attached to safety equipment.

Since then, the team has grown with the arrival of Vincent BOAURD – CTO & partner – and new investors, to become a major player in workplace safety. With triple experience in digital, traceability and PPE design, we are proud to offer innovative solutions to meet our customers’ needs.

The awards we won at PREVENTICA, EXPOPROTECTION in Paris and the International HSE Excellence Award at TotalEnergies are testimony to our expertise in the field and our innovative global approach to ensuring the safety of equipment and people.

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Our mission

Our mission is to optimize PPE tracking and regulatory compliance for all company equipment, regardless of brand. This PPE and equipment management software is essential to guarantee the safety of users and the peace of mind of employers, by being aligned with the requirements of current standards and certifications (ISO 9001, 45001, 1944-3, MASE, etc.). KEEP CONTROL's customers have noted a significant improvement in the effectiveness of their safety protocols. This improvement results from the precise distribution of information to the right person at the right time. This essential data, integrated into customers' information systems, enriches the PPE register. KEEP CONTROL, based on customers' ERP data, continuously updates information, reinforcing efficient equipment management and monitoring.

Our values

Our principles are based on Excellence, Innovation, Performance, Responsibility and Involvement. We aim to deliver exceptional services to fully meet our customers' needs. Through our SaaS software and state-of-the-art security protocols, we guarantee accessible and reliable information, even off-line. From the outset, ATLANPOLE has been a pillar of our company, ensuring our autonomy and facilitating access to renowned experts. This strategic alliance is essential if we are to successfully meet our customers' challenges, drawing on our customers' business expertise.

Our investments

The cost of developing our projects is shared through a subscription to our software. This enables all our customers to benefit from the latest technological innovations in tagging and the integration of new AI technologies to guarantee security and access to information.

Our ambition

Our ambition is to become the European leader in tracking the life cycle of PPE and equipment subject to inspection. With this goal in mind, we offer our customers the opportunity to evolve with AI tools, while retaining the key role of the human being. Our markings and software evolve every month with new functionalities. KEEP CONTROL is available in English and German. In 2024, we'll be responding to the new expectations of our international customers with new languages available.
